Andrew Weatherhead


Copyediting | $0.05 per word

Comprehensive line edits focused on grammar, spelling, consistency, and other line-level feedback.

Manuscript Consultation | $0.10 per word

Stuck on your creative project? A personalized manuscript consultation can help with big picture issues of style, tone, structure, and direction. Includes a 1-hour Zoom consultation and a 500+ word email of written feedback. Does not include copyediting.

Publication Assistance | $1,000

Finished with your creative project but not sure what to do next? I will offer individualized recommendations for publishing your finished manuscript, including personalized introductions to select editors, agents, and publishers. In addition, I will follow you on twitter for one year and provide one retweet of your choosing. 

"Collaboration" | Contact for estimate

I will provide one finished creative manuscript for you to publish under your own name, no strings attached. Price varies by length and style of manuscript – please email the details of your request to discuss pricing via the contact info below.

Accountability Coaching (Live-In Only) | $10,000 (4 weeks)

For four weeks, I will live with you and provide daily writing motivation, prompts, and feedback. Ideal for concentrated work on first drafts or preparing a final manuscript for publication. Must have dedicated guest space - no couches.

Friendship | $25,000 (1 year) - Limited availability

Call, text, and message me whenever you like, about whatever you like, and I will respond within 24 hours. In addition, I will accompany you to one reading or literary event in New York City of your choice and introduce you to my friends, acquaintances, and various other gatekeepers of the literary world. You may document and publicize our friendship however you like. Manuscript and publication consulting not included beyond reasonable conversation expected among friends.

Friendship, Long-Term | $100,000 (5 years)

Get 5 years of Friendship services for the price of 4.

Apprenticeship | $50,000 (1 year) - *Limited Time Offer*

Live with me, my wife, our newborn child, and two special needs cats in our Adirondack home for one year. Experience the ups and downs of domestic life through a generative, literary lens. 24/7 access to writing advice, consultation, and motivation, in addition to private writing space, home gym, and large library of poetry and fiction. Food will be provided, light household chores will be assigned. Transportation not included.

Canonization | $500,000

For the rest of my life, I will sing your praises as a writer and human being and cite you as an influence in all interviews, frontispieces, acknowledgements, and private conversations.

Contact | weeatherhead [at] gmail [dot] com